Bro. Jesse O’Neill, SM and Erica Duarte, MFEP* coordinators for our high schools and core team member Sr. Nicole Trahan, FMI engaged in two zoom calls with our schools in early May. The school leadership of each school was asked to identify a “Ministry Lead” who would coordinate the initiatives at their institution over the next two years. 14 of our 17 sponsored schools have identified a Ministry Lead to animate this encounter. These Ministry Leads gathered on zoom to define their role and to get a peek at the new website being unveiled in August, developed by Dr. Savio Franco. There was a great spirit of collaboration and excitement for the journey going forward.
We will meet again at the start of the new school year wherein we will ask Ministry Leads to take an inventory of what is already happening on their campus that aligns with the goals and commitments of the Global Compact on Education and the Laudato Si' Action Plan and to prepare a public video announcing their school’s commitment to the project. We are excited for the year ahead.
* MFEP stands for Marianist Family's Encounter Project