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Marianist Encounters Conference

Master of Ceremonies - MC: Brian Reavey

Read Brian Reavey's bio

Prayer and Music Co-ordinator: Scott Paeplow

Read Scott Paeplow's bio



Round 1
Friday, Oct 4, 2024,  3:45 pm - 5:00 pm 

1. Seeing God in the Face of the Poor and Coming to Know God in Appalachia  

Presenters: Dave Campbell, Jerry DiCristoforo, Eric Eble

Faculty, Archbishop Moeller, Cincinnati, OH

This workshop will challenge participants to reflect on how they have seen God in their lived experiences, how we can respond to the cry of the earth and the cry of the poor, and understand how the Marianists have responded to these calls through the UD Summer Appalachian Program.


3. The Intersection of Pope Francis’ Ecological Virtues, Conversion, and Marianist System of Virtues

Presenter: Tony Garascia

​Past President of MLC-NA and the International Organization of Lay Communities

Participants will understand how the Marianist System of Virtues is meant to bring a person to deeper wholeness and holiness, but also how it is meant to help create social change through the development of social and corporate virtues.


2. Parenting for Environmental Care

Presenter: Jason King, Ph. D.

Beirne Chair, Director of the Center for Catholic Studies, St. Mary's University, TX

This workshop will focus on how to raise children to care for creation by telling stories of hope, modeling environmental care, and fostering children’s agency.


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Round 2
Saturday, Oct 5, 2024,  10:45 am - 12:00 pm 

Workshops Round 2

4. Student-Centered Environmental Conservation at Saint Louis School

Presenter: Jon Watase

Agricultural instructor and curriculum coach specializing in ʻāina-based learning, Saint Louis School, HI

Jon Watase will share how the students in his environment conservation program at Saint Louis School are educating the next generation on plastic pollution and the critical role of recycling in preserving our environment.


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6. People and Planet:  Agenda 2030 and UN Sustainable Development Goals

Presenter: Tony Talbott

Director of Advocacy of the Human Rights Center at the University of Dayton, OH

This interactive presentation and discussion will assess our progress toward meeting the 17 Sustainable Development Goals at the mid-point of the fifteen-year plan with specific examples from the University of Dayton and the larger Dayton region.


5. A Mystical Hermeneutic of Nature inspired by Father Chaminade
Presenter: Joseph Nugent
Lay Marianist, Mission Consultant, Central Catholic and Saint Louis School, Adjunct faculty at St. Mary’s University

This workshop will outline key elements of contemporary nature-based spirituality, explain the theological and psychological bases for the relationship between humanity and nature, and explore how nature orients us in the deepest parts of ourselves.

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Round 3
Saturday, Oct 5, 2024,  1:15 pm - 2:30 pm 

Workshops Round 3

7. Social Justice in Our Schools
Presenter: Toni Mesina

Lay Marianist, Teacher, The Crefeld School, Philadelphia

This workshop will be a conversation about navigating the challenges of integrating social justice into curriculum and classroom environments while encouraging faculty, staff, and participants to be active effectors of change within their schools. 

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9. Responding to the Interconnected Cries of the Earth, Poor & Youth

Presenters: Integral Ecology Team of MSJC: Matt Naveau, Sarah Gray, Tiffany Hunsinger, Jennifer Melke-Marks

Join us for an exploration of the connections between integral ecology and women’s issues, immigration, and Marianist spirituality with an emphasis on specific ways to work, pray, act, and advocate for justice.

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8. So You Want To Go Solar?  Practical Advice For Homeowners And Businesses On Making Your Dream Come True

Presenter: Jeff Bohrer

Director of Mount Saint John Facilities

This workshop will provide practical advice for organizations and homeowners who are considering going solar, including benefits, working with decision-makers, financial resources and case studies.​​


Marianist Ministries Site Visits & Dialogues
Friday, Oct 4, 2024, 9:00 - 11:30 am 

Marianist Ministries Site Visits

1. From Service to Justice: Chaminade-Julienne High School Social Justice Capstone Project and Sr. Dorothy Stang Symposium

Location: Chaminade-Julienne High School


Discover the Marianist Encounters goals in urban action through dialogue and tour with CJ HS staff engaged in the multi-year, cross-curricular, inquiry-based justice research projects and annual symposium that develop student skills in leadership, collaboration, and communication.

Co-ordinators: Molly Bardine, English Teacher & Department Chair & Literacy Coach, Capstone Coordinator, & Karen Emmerich, Faculty, CJ High School

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3. Sustainability as a Vocation

Location: University of Dayton Hanley Sustainability Institute (HSI); Fitz Hall 

Discover how campus sustainability, driven by student leadership, professional development, and vocational discernment, has led to accomplishing the University of Dayton’s sustainability and Laudato Si/Marianist Encounters goals. 


Co-ordinators: Sarah Richard, Director of Student Programs, UD-HSI


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5. Food is Love: Food security education in inner east Dayton

Location: Mission of Mary Cooperative Urban Farm & East End Community Services 

Discover the Mission of Mary story & ways that volunteers and neighborhood members engage in sustainable farming & educate others. Includes 

tour of farm sites and partnerships with community organizations and schools & dialogue about grassroots food justice in your locales.

Co-ordinators: Dan Lombado & Michael Schulz Mission of Mary; and Libby Freeze, East End Community Services at  Ruskin school.


2. Caring for Watersheds: University of Dayton River Stewards & Citizen Science Engagement through Water Quality Monitoring

Location: Nearby stream (weather permitting)

Learn about UD River Stewards student multi-year interdisciplinary leadership and civic engagement program; join “Stews” in stream water quality sampling indicators and discover how your entity can contribute to national citizen science monitoring and water protection policies.

Co-ordinators: Zachary Piso, Director of River Stewards, Fitz Center for Leadership in Community &  UD River Stewards students.​​

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4. Act Local: Anti-Human Trafficking, Human Rights, and Justice Work in Dayton

Location: University of Dayton, Human Rights Center (or local community locale)

Learn from university and community members collaborating on projects addressing social injustices in the Dayton region and explore applications for your own locale. Community partners include 

Oasis House, which offers hope and support to female survivors of human trafficking and Sidewalk Soldiers which provides hope, help, and healing to those who have been sex trafficked, and those at risk for trafficking. 

Co-ordinators: Tony Talbott, Director of Advocacy, UD Human Rights Center and Dona Pierce, Executive Director of Oasis House. 

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Mount St. John Tours

Mount St. John Tours 
Friday, Oct 4, 2024, 1:15 - 3:30 pm 

1. Guided Natural History Hike - Mount St. John Nature Preserve

Duration: 1 hr 45 minutes, Time: 1:15 pm - 3:00 pm


Meeting Place: Deacon Greg Cecere Pavilion,

Parking Lot C

Leader: Tara Poling, Marianist Environmental Education Center (MEEC) Program Coordinator

​Description: Encounter the natural history of the 62 Acre-Marianist Nature Preserve under permanent conservation easement. We'll explore the Eastern Deciduous upland and wet woods/fen, restored tallgrass prairie, pond and meadow ecosystems and their creatures. Discover how to be part of citizen science initiatives using iNaturalist


3. Guided Outdoor Labyrinth Autumn Meditation Walk

Duration: 1 hr 5 minutes, Time: 1:15 pm - 2:20 pm

Meeting Place: Madeleine Room, Chaminade Center

Leader: Sr. Leanne Jablonski, FMI, MEEC Director

​Description: Experience the eco-spirituality of autumn through a meditative walk in the Mount St. John native plant labyrinth. Receive resources including an introduction to labyrinths. the "Walking with Mary" elements of the Chartres Cathedral design and autumn's invitation to gratitude, fruitfulness, transformation and letting-go. We'll enjoy a silent walk together to the center/peace pole. We'll conclude by sharing insights and applications for personal prayer and groups.​​


5. Energy Tour & Tips - Solar Power & Energy Efficiency

Duration: 1 hr, Time: 2:30 pm - 3:30 pm


Meeting Place: Bergamo Center Entrance

Leader: Jeff Bohrer, Mount St. John Facilities Director

​Description: Discover the campus-wide energy-saving changes in lighting, sensors, building modifications, groundskeeping modifications, and other energy efficiency measures undertaken.  The tour will include tips for your own facilities and the new front-field solar prairie array that is making Mount Saint John carbon neutral electrically on an annual basis.  (


7. Yoga Gentle Stretching & Meditation in Nature

Duration: 45 minutes, Time: 2:30 pm - 3:15 pm

Meeting Place: Bergamo Center


Leader: Laura Koonce, MSJC-Integral Ecology Team & VP of Mission & Human Resources, Saint Louis School, HI


2. Landscaping with Native Plants - Tour & Tips

Duration: 1 hr, Time: 1:15 pm - 2:15 pm 

Meeting Place: Bergamo Center Entrance

Leader: Michele Banker, MEEC Land Resource Coordinator

​Description: MEEC has been rebuilding interactions between communities of land and people that create healthy sustainable habitats at our doorsteps. A walking tour will highlight native plantings in wet, dry, shady, and sunny areas that are integrated into facilities to ease upkeep and enhance beauty and education. We'll share tips for how native plants can be incorporated into traditional landscape plantings with volunteer support (including students) and provide an oasis for pollinators and other wildlife.​

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4. North American Center for Marianist Studies (NACMS) - Resources & Library Tour

Duration: 30 minutes, Time: 1:15 pm - 1:45 pm

Meeting Place: NACMS, Chaminade Center Building

Leader: Caitlin Cipolla-McCulloch, NACMS Program Administrator

​Description: Discover the programs, print and online resources, people and other services of NACMS - the largest collection of Marianist resources available in English, including an extensive library.


6. Adaptation & Change - Mount St. John Landscape Walk

Duration: 1 hr, Time: 2:30 pm - 3:30 pm

Meeting Place: Bergamo Center Entrance

Leader: Dan Jordan, NACMS Publications Coordinator

​Description: Guided historical tour of the Mount St. John Landscape buildings and land and changes through the 110+ years of Marianist presence. Will include a walk to the prairie restored in 1985.


8. Self-Guided Walks & Prayer experiences

Duration:  Self-Guided, Time: 1:30 pm - 3:30 pm

​Leader: Self-Guided, Print Resources available.

Description: Explore the nature trails, grotto, statues, labyrinth, or reflect on your own using self-guided resources.​​

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