Read about the Full of Grace Ministries from Dayton, OH, which focuses on works of solidarity within the local communities, promoting the goals of Marianist Encounters.
Full of Grace Ministries in Dayton, Ohio (USA) provides regular service opportunities for members of the Marianist Family. In May 2023, Full of Grace hosted a health fair and picnic. Ongoing works include the Food for the Journey project, for which volunteers from the Marianist Family prepare and serve a weekly meal to those who are hungry. Additional volunteers and MLCs sign up to prepare Respite Bags each week containing shelf-stable foods and hygiene items. Full of Grace also offers Prayer Circle Support, serving as companions to those needing some companionship and support via a prayer circle.
Full of Grace Ministries was developed because of service projects discerned and implemented by the Dayton Marianist Family Council in 2018. Three projects were undertaken and continue today. Led by lay Marianists, Full of Grace Ministry is a partnership with Our Lady of Grace parish, serving Dayton’s Five Oaks neighborhood. The vision is for this ministry to help address the spiritual, social, educational, economic, and mental health needs of the neighborhood. Kettering Health, which operates a hospital near the neighborhood, is a regular partner.

Watch a video with images from the Full of Grace Ministries' works:
[Source: Marianist Magnificat Newsletter, December 2023]
Dear Full of Grace staff and volunteers: What a wonderful work! Thanks for helping those most in need! That's the Gospel in action!!!